Target In Life

جانفي 30, 2008

Everyone in the world has his/her own goals to achieve , a target to reach in life .. But what is the target that gather all people in the whole world ?

Heaven ? Is it a target for all people , well there are lots of people doing mistakes everyday and don’t even feel their faults . maybe repeating same mistakes day after day .. so It’s not The General Target ..

Family ? It’s a target by default .. If we wanna keep the human being so there must be families ..Friends ? To have good friends ?? Some guys can live without friends , just hanging out with colleagues , or co-workers but not necessary to get friends ..Position in Job ? or even a job ?? I think 90% of people in Egypt just think about how to stay alive till tomorrow , so position in job I don’t believe in too .. and who is searching for a position in Job must know that he won’t stay in same position for a long time ..Celebrity ? Yeah maybe many of us look for being celebrity but not all of us ..Trust .. Can we live without trust ?? Can you have a family or a job or friends without trust ?? Trust is important for everyone , maybe It’s a target not visual by all of us .. but It’s a general target we are looking for if we thought about it ..It’s so hard when someone loses trust in you , a friend, a colleague, your boss in work , even It was a little small feeling of trust .. You’ll Feel you lost everything , because you lost trust..
Without Trust .. There is Nothing ..